Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6th, 2011


I just turned on the tv and found a ridiculous bicycle crash. Twelve cyclists just in a pissed off pile. Is this some sort of Le Tour de France channel. All cyclists all the time? Every time I turn on the tv after you it's just french men pedaling away.

Anyway I hope you're feeling better. I'm much less irritated about last night now. I just had high hopes for the evening and you squashed them with your sleep. Guess there's always Friday. Wait are you even off Friday?

Today I spent most of the day prepping for my meeting tomorrow. I made a bunch of folders and R drew some pictures and it was like playing teacher early! Haha. But really I should probably run a scrapbook class. I'm a little bit nervous about how it'll all go down but trying to stay positive. In the long run (aka two days from now) it won't matter what I say or what any of my intentions are for the future of the P&P team but watching it matter so much to Dave still makes me want to try one last ditch effort. I think I might take a half day tomorrow (to visit OU) because heaven forbid I actually do any real work before my last day. We shall see.

A kindle commercial just came on and I suddenly find myself enraged.

I had lunch with Jeff outside today on the curb near the woods. The shade was quite inviting after walking 1/2 a mile to find a spot. We sat around chatting about film and creativity and the blog world and fear of planning and aging and taking chances all while munching on leftovers. He's a good guy.

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading a new mom blog about a women who moved from San Jose to Manhattan so her husband could go to dental school. I was mostly fascinated and appalled at their ability to make this venture strictly on student loans. So 4 years of NYU dental school, with 4 years of rent on lower east side, while raising two kids under the age of 5 (with one more on the way), plus food and utilities and metro cars and etc. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE HOW MUCH MONEY THAT IS? How does something like that even get approved? It did give me hope for our future home. AND SHOWED me this: (how Henry and I never found this place I'll never know)

After making R create cute drawings for my meeting but before Jeff and I had lunch I got a call from Susan. Apparently my availablity sheet is missing and she wanted to plan my training schedule. Without thinking I told her I was free the entire week next week, but I forgot to factor in HARRY POTTER and cousin Christoph's visit and family dinner and meeting with OU and a follow up appointment for my pesky root canal. So fuck. I think I'm just going to print out a calender at work tomorrow and fill out the entire month of July and give it to them tomorrow at lunch.

The pp appointment took FOREVER, but I finally got in. During which I rambled continously about my period, our "finger's crossed" method, how adorable you are and about how I don't want babies but am afraid I might never have babies all to a women I didn't even realize was pregnant at first. What can I say? I get super nervous when I'm not wearing any pants. I celebrated this extreme awkwardness with a giant twist cone at Dairy Queen. You can judge me after you've had a cold metal tong inserted and opened in your business.

This isn't baby fever is it? Because I feel like there's this pressure everywhere to jump start our lives in that direction and I'm just not up for it. BUT IT'S EVERYWHERE. And then I start thinking about what a cute little family we'd be and how great you'd be while I was pregnant (because you're just that kind of guy) and how the baby would have your eyes and my cowlicks and soft curly sandy blond hair and then the whole thing sounds so romantic and I cry out a bunch of womanly hormones! On the flip side I feel like high fiving myself for making it the whole first year of marriage with only being fat and not with child. Why is that? I've never had any intention of turning 2 into 3 right away. Can't I just chill world/lady hormones!? Can I just not think about it or talk about it for 20mins? To prove nothing to nobody, I plan on having hot dogs with mac in cheese at 10pm. I can't have a baby if I'm still a baby! See what I did there universe?! I want babies LATER. Not NEVER just LAAATTER.

On a semi related note, I had to pee on my way to the appointment but held it in case they needed any for testing. 1.5 hours later still full of pee, I stood on the scale and found out I weigh 127lbs. 5 minutes later after finally relieving myself I REweighed myself and am only 125lbs! That's huge! Pee weighs 2lbs!! Fun fact of the day. Boom!

OH! And the whole appointment only cost me $4! I added an extra $20 because I heart that place.

In other news, I started a new project. Here's proof (along with a hilarious photo of Bruce Lee):

<3 Wifey

P.S. Natalie Portman named her baby Alef, but I think it's pronounced ALA-IF instead of Elf. At least I hope.

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